Peace Hugs

Kate Anne, communikating on multi-levels -- personal and political, as well as for peace, justice and nonviolence

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

"Hillary and the Politics of Disappointment"

I can oh-so relate to Paul Rogat Loeb's article at Common Dreams, Read it:

Hillary and the Politics of Disappointment
by Paul Rogat Loeb

When Democrats worry about Hillary Clinton’s electability, they focus on her reenergizing a depressed Republican base while demoralizing core Democratic activists, particularly those outraged about the war, and consequently losing the election. A November 26 Zogby poll, for instance, now shows her trailing the major Republican candidates, while Edwards and Obama defeat them. But there’s a further danger if Hillary’s nominated–that she will win but then split the Democratic Party.

We forget that this happened with her husband Bill, because compared to Bush, he’s looking awfully good. Much of Hillary’s support may be nostalgia for when America’s president seemed to engage reality instead of disdaining it. But remember that over the course of Clinton’s presidency, the Democrats lost 6 Senate seats, 46 Congressional seats, and 9 governorships. This political bleeding began when Monica Lewinsky was still an Oregon college senior. Given Hillary’s protracted support of the Iraq war, her embrace of neoconservative rhetoric on Iran, and her coziness with powerful corporate interests, she could create a similar backlash once in office, dividing and depressing the Democratic base and reversing the party’s newfound momentum. MORE

NOW, if you feel similarly to us you should be sure to send your donations to help out the candidate(s) of your choice. [I’ve donated to Edwards, Kucinich and Dodd.]

The latest Zogby poll is frightening — yes, I know other polls say other things, but Hillary has a lot of baggage and there are people on both the right and the left who abhor her (i.e., my brother Gregory and I). I have suspended my National Organization for Women membership since NOW Pac endorsed her — and I have been a member consistently since 1979. (And even started a NOW chapter in Ohio and restarted another.) That says a lot.

The mainstream corporatist medium would tell us it is all over even before Iowa and New Hampshire. The thought depresses me and then I decide to ACT. I’ve been petitioning for John Edwards and talking to folks and now I am going to make another donation to John Edwards (FYI — I worked for Kucinich last time and got Kerry — eewwwww — John Edwards and his Elizabeth are a great and electible team.)

Peace hugs!!!
Kate Anne

UPDATE: Paul Rogat Loeb is scheduled to be on Thom Hartmann's Thursday show. Should be good!

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Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Buy Nothing Day!

Yesterday was Thanksgiving but today is also pretty big on the calendar. I'm with Rev. Billy on this one. He started today, Black Friday or what he terms Buy Nothing Day, by preaching at Macy's and I look forward to seeing the documentary, What Would Jesus Buy?. If you are so inclined, you can make a tax-deductible donation to the Church of Stop Shopping.

(Rev. Welton Gaddy even had Rev. Billy on The Interfaith Alliance program, State of Belief, on Air America -- love Bill Talon and his work! And check out Rev. Billy's blog while you are at it.)

Change-a-lujah! Money for peace, not for crazy out-of-control shopping!\

Peace hugs,
Kate Anne

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hartmann: Cracking the Code at Demos

Thanks to Gail Harper's prodding that doggie duty should allow a little time for fun, I joined a packed roomful of people at Demos on Fifth Avenue in NYC to hear Thom Hartmann speak about his latest book, Cracking the Code. He was great and inspiring, as always. And I got to see and be seen by Air America Radio's Mark Green who recognized me and gave me a kiss afterwards. (That said, he's still trying to place me, I bet :-)

I spent the last hour searching for what Thom called the best Madison quotation and found PART of it as well as a bunch of other great Madison quotations. The part is:

"No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare."

But check this out from the Crosby Report. Was Madison psychic? One thing for sure, George Dubya Bush would NOT be happy with James Madison. Indeed, he'd send a Homeland Security Team after Jimmy as Dubya probably thinks Dolly Madison is a cupcake and is clueless that James Madison is a dead president.

Kate Anne & Thom Hartmann

Yes, I took pictures but I haven't downloaded them. [Update: see them.] Best, yet, however, my new friend Avery Harris (synchronicity!) was kind enough to volunteer to take a picture of me with Thom and I was astute enough to return the favor. Thom endured it all and his latest visit to NYC not only earned Gail and me a friend but gave me the opportunity to connect with two great young gents behind us, John from Bergen Co., NJ and Ezekial from Newark, NJ: Neat guys with great spirit. (Wish I would have gotten their info, but maybe they'll find me again through this blog.) Yes, there is hope for this country and this world. Now to read my autographed copy of Cracking the Code in full sight in the subway and on buses and spread its message. Watch my (see links) for the pix and...

Peace hugs,
Kate Anne

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Grannies' Teach-In: Close Gitmo, others

My weekend was full of peace and political action: a newsletter, our vigil and the Granny Peace Brigade teach-in (along with dog-sitting Munchkin and Barney Bear).

Sam Oast was on duty at our little Union Square peace vigil. He handed out a bunch of the flyers for the Grannies' event. I had my sign [which has a new petition to sign - on my to-do list -- put it on yours] and we got plenty of attention and affirmation (Who says 52% of Americans want to attack Iran??).

Dr. Sam Oast

On Sunday, I tabled with Fellowship of Reconciliation's Fellowship magazine editor, Ethan Vesely-Flad at the Granny Peace Brigade event which stressed closing Guantanamo and all U.S. military bases on foreign soil. Vinnie Burrows moderated and Lynne Kates from the Center for Constitutional Rights gave an eye-opener (for some I am sure) on Guantanimo. She said there are now 786 prisoners there who endure 23 hours of daily isolation -- that in itself is cruel and inhumane! Talk about torture OTHER than water boarding! Elsa Rassbach from American Voices Abroad spoke about how the illegal Iraq war (and possible illegal Iran war) violate(s) the German constitution, "Only peace may come from German soil." She also said though the majority of Germans are pacifists they fear the growth of militarization. There were some other good speakers and the Raging Grannies sang.

Afterwards, Ethan and I spoke with people. There was good energy and the event was not only very informative but also well-attended: a good sign that American people want to know the facts. That said, the event let me to a post a QuickTAKE. And now doggy-duty calls me. Hope your weekend was productive and peaceful.

Peace hugs,
Kate Anne

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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Krugman: Health Care Excuses

This is one to file -- as Paul Krugman says you're going to hear the excuses "again, and again, and again". Be ready to refute health care profiteers , with some help from Paul.

Health Care Excuses
by Paul Krugman
published [in the New York Times]: Nov. 9, 2007

The United States spends far more on health care per person than any other nation. Yet we have lower life expectancy than most other rich countries. Furthermore, every other advanced country provides all its citizens with health insurance; only in America is a large fraction of the population uninsured or underinsured.

You might think that these facts would make the case for major reform of America’s health care system — reform that would involve, among other things, learning from other countries’ experience — irrefutable. Instead, however, apologists for the status quo offer a barrage of excuses for our system’s miserable performance.

So I thought it would be useful to offer a catalog of the most commonly heard apologies for American health care, and the reasons they won’t wash.

Excuse No. 1: No insurance, no problem. MORE or MORE

Let's work on getting the healthcare crisis in America resolved and being prepared with facts will help in conversations and when writing letters. Sometimes I include a copy of a well-written article with a note to my legislator(s). It all adds up. Bottom line, the profit motive should not be a factor in providing healing. A good living, fine, but a killing, NO. And don't they keep telling us we're the number one country? (Hello! Well, maybe we are number one in health care cost.) Health care now! Please act: write letters, make phone calls, elect people who will work to see us get good healthcare.

Peace hugs,
Kate Anne

P.S. I have petitions for JOHN EDWARDS for President - sign mine, fellow New Yorkers, or help! Call 212-229-2029 to assist.

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Thanks, WWRL! Another Open Letter

Mr. Rennie Bishop
Program Director
WWRL 1600 Radio
333 Seventh Avenue
New York NY 10001

Dear Mr. Bishop,

This follows up, with thanks, my letter written two months ago. I applaud you for adding Richard Greene's CLOUT to your evening lineup and dropping Sammy and Army in the morning to bring us back the terrific Mark Riley. He and Richard Bey are great together -- Richard actually works much better in the morning. Okay, so the show is not part of the official Air America lineup -- I have to tell you, I like it! And while you still have too many infomercials, Alan Colmes' tiny show, and not enough Sam Seder, I choose to accentuate the positive and say, Thank You for Clout and Bey-Mark!

Peace hugs,
Kate Anne

cc: Mr. Mark Green
Air America Radio
641 Sixth Avenue – 4th Floor
New York NY 10011

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BBC America: World Needs More Hugs

I knew it anyway, but it is good to hear the back up from BBC America that people need at least one hug a day! A third of us are not meeting our daily requirement, BBC reports. (No wonder there is war and violence -- we are hug-deprived!) Thank you, CSpanJunkiedotOrg for posting the video clip on YouTube -- and peace hugs around, all!

Now, for your homework, go hug somebody! And give 'em a smile, too!

More peace hugs,
Kate Anne

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