Grannies' Teach-In: Close Gitmo, others
My weekend was full of peace and political action: a newsletter, our vigil and the Granny Peace Brigade teach-in (along with dog-sitting Munchkin and Barney Bear).
Sam Oast was on duty at our little Union Square peace vigil. He handed out a bunch of the flyers for the Grannies' event. I had my sign [which has a new petition to sign - on my to-do list -- put it on yours] and we got plenty of attention and affirmation (Who says 52% of Americans want to attack Iran??).

On Sunday, I tabled with Fellowship of Reconciliation's Fellowship magazine editor, Ethan Vesely-Flad at the Granny Peace Brigade event which stressed closing Guantanamo and all U.S. military bases on foreign soil. Vinnie Burrows moderated and Lynne Kates from the Center for Constitutional Rights gave an eye-opener (for some I am sure) on Guantanimo. She said there are now 786 prisoners there who endure 23 hours of daily isolation -- that in itself is cruel and inhumane! Talk about torture OTHER than water boarding! Elsa Rassbach from American Voices Abroad spoke about how the illegal Iraq war (and possible illegal Iran war) violate(s) the German constitution, "Only peace may come from German soil." She also said though the majority of Germans are pacifists they fear the growth of militarization. There were some other good speakers and the Raging Grannies sang.
Afterwards, Ethan and I spoke with people. There was good energy and the event was not only very informative but also well-attended: a good sign that American people want to know the facts. That said, the event let me to a post a QuickTAKE. And now doggy-duty calls me. Hope your weekend was productive and peaceful.
Peace hugs,
Kate Anne
Labels: Fellowship of Reconciliation, FOR, Guantanamo, Iraq, NYFOR, to do, torture, vigil
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