Peace Hugs

Kate Anne, communikating on multi-levels -- personal and political, as well as for peace, justice and nonviolence

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Where has the YEAR gone??

Back home from Ohio and Pennsylvania visits to children and aunt, et cetera, I've spent today going through bills and putting some stuff away (not enough) AND making a few end-of-year donations. I wish I had lots of money -- I don't. I could go broke if I answered 10% of the solicitation letters I get. BUT, I remember Gloria Steinem saying, what does your checkbook tell about you? Well, mine still pays a few bills, but I could expand her thought to say, what does your credit card say about you? Today I donated online to Episcopal Relief and Development, Fellowship of Reconciliation, The Interfaith Alliance, The Center for Constitutional Rights, Amnesty International, National Wildlife Federation, and Consumer Reports Foundation plus several checks. I end the New Year right by giving and then sharing a few hours with friends.

When my son was born I quoted Tiny Tim to the delivery team, "God bless us everyone!" I repeat the sentiments and wish all of us a Peace-full, Healthy, Prosperous, Happy New Year.

Peace hugs,
Kate Anne

Holiday Greetings!

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Friday, December 19, 2008

My Vision (#2) left at

A world of peace and acceptance, namaste, recognizing the God (by whatever name) in each of us. Work on nuclear disarmament and green energy please and economic justice (I have written before), but I appreciate the insight in choosing both Rev. Rick WARREN and Rev. Joseph LOWERY: the yin and yang -- or bookends, as our new president referred. You are getting a lot of flak on this but I appreciate the extension of the hand, in peace, recognizing our common humanity. I am pro-choice and my gay brother has been one of my soul mates -- but I understand. Widen the circle. Accentuate our similarities. Love.

Peace hugs,
Kate Anne


PS Yes, I did sign peace hugs. And please, go to with YOUR visions and YOUR stories. Thanks!!

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Anniversary, Human Rights!!

Today, ignoring the Bush Crime Family's abuses, is the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted without dissent by the General Assembly of the United Nations, December 10, 1948. Read it here -- and work to see we all follow it. Please and thank you. 

Maybe someone should have read it to George W. Bush. Or he should have read it instead of My Pet Goat. Article 5 says: "No one shall be subjected to torture, or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."

Lots of good stuff!! Years ago I bought a copy of it in the form of a little blue book at the United Nations building but I admit I have never read the whole thing. Will do that. Join me. And again, let's implement it!! MORE thanks.

Peace hugs,
Kate Anne

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