A little angelic comfort
Things have been a bit stressful for me, indeed many of us, lately with some financial and health worries and I have been blessed with some healing synchronicity. I discovered author Joan Wester Anderson on Facebook, thanks to her page there being connected with that of Fr. John Dear, former executive director of national Fellowship of Reconciliation. Joan's angel and miracle stories have been a resource for me and my family through the years. It is good to reconnect and see she has some new stuff out. She's even on Twitter and I will have to find and connect with her there. Twitter offers a lot and I'm enjoying the informational and friendship connections.
Find more on Joan here, I've pasted her short YouTube meditation at Quick Takes, and find me on Twitter as PeaceHugs. Let's be comforted knowing that angels and miracles do touch us, perhaps not in big ways very often, but still in all sorts of beautiful and healing ways. In Rogers and Hammerstein's Flower Drum Song there is an eye-opening song, "A Hundred Million Miracles". Let's go forth today and everyday a little more aware of them. It does our souls well.
Political and peace action work can drain us if we don't maintain our spiritual connection. In my life I have learned that the more angels and miracles I acknowledge and affirm with thanks, the more they multiply. Read Joan Wester Anderson's books for inspiration. I recommend starting with Where Angels Walk, a family favorite.
Peace hugs,
Kate Anne