Peace Hugs

Kate Anne, communikating on multi-levels -- personal and political, as well as for peace, justice and nonviolence

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Busy times for Peace and Politics

NYFOR peace and justice meeting tonight -- and last night was a fundraiser for progressive/liberal Stephen Harrison who is running for the Democratic nomination for Congress from Staten Island and part of Brooklyn against the Brooklyn machine candidate Domenic Recchia. Steve got 43% of of the vote against Republican hack Vito Fossella although he was outspent 13 to 1!! Good event -- pictures to be posted at soon. And visit Steve Harrison's website for updates on his important campaign.

THEN, Sunday is the 9th annual Queens St. Patricks's Parade where WQIDC will be marching. Busy, busy!

(And at work my boss is away and in this day of the Blackberry my paid work-load compounds! Busy, busy, busy!)

Breathe, whooooooh, ahhhhhhhhh -- connecting to the One -- Peace...... and

Peace hugs,
Kate Anne

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Telecom Immunity? What Now!

The Senate this week caved in to the Telecom companies (AT&T, Verizon -- but not Qwest) who have been complicit in allowing the corrupt Republican administration hacks to spy illegally on Americans (you, me, Democratic politicians?). Keith Tucker of created this apt cartoon:

The good news is that the House of Representatives is standing up and not giving in to the immunity and the shredding of our Constitution and the Rule of Law.

Praise God: Democratic Backbone!! Keep it up!

Action: Contact our congressional representatives -- 202-224-3121 (or at their home offices or via email since they are on break) -- and tell them to hold their ground: "No Telecom Immunity!" It has NOTHING to do with National Security but more to do with Republican INSECURITY: they have all been complicit in illegally spying on Americans and should be held accountable. (We grant immunity for disobeying laws at the request of the Executive Branch and there will be no stopping them -- the President does not determine what is lawful. Nor would we ever get to the bottom of what really has been going on.) Meanwhile the original FISA bill is still in effect. The government can compel telecom compliance of the legal warrants.

Now -- what about the illegal TORTURE endorsed by the Executive Branch?

Peace hugs,
Kate Anne

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Edwards' Endorsement in the Offing?

Air America Radio's Rachel Maddow and David Bender have just been discussing the rumor of John Edwards endorsing someone, and possibly Hillary Clinton because she is viewed as tougher. It is Valentines Day and I do not wish to face such betrayal. I just went to and left this on the Contact page:
Message for John Edwards:

There is rumor you plan to endorse. As someone who donated a lot (for me) to your presidential campaign, blogged and talked about it, and also collected petition signatures in New York City, I am begging you:

PLEASE do NOT endorse Hillary Clinton -- she has been a corporatist and has not listened to her peace and justice constitutents.

She gets big money from the ARMAMENT industry and the Big Pharma. A Hillary Clinton endorsement would be a SLAP in the FACE of anyone who worked for YOU.

Please do NOT make of your campaign a MOCKERY.

Thank you.


Will it make a difference? If enough of us do similarly, maybe. And perhaps Rachel and David are wrong about the endorsement. Rachel would prefer him not endorsing anyone. I'm with her -- especially if her endorsement is Clinton.
Peace hugs,
Kate Anne

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Friday, February 01, 2008

Krugman: The Edwards Effect

I am feeling a bit better, reading Paul Krugman's column, The Edwards Effect. JRE has made a positive difference in Democratic politics and in brightening America's future. It isn't going to be easy going forward, but at least there really is hope. John and Elizabeth Edwards' issues must continue to be furthered. We have to push Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. And YOU know how I feel. Much to do, but let's do it!! Here's to February 5th!

Peace hugs,
Kate Anne

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Paul Rogat Loeb: "Why This Edwards Voter Is Now Backing Obama"

While I continue to mourn the corporatist media's murder of the John Edwards campaign, I gather the opinions of others on where-to from here. I think I could have written the first two paragraph's of Paul Rogat Loeb's article published at -- Why This Edwards Voter Is Now Backing Obama:

I gave John Edwards more money than I’ve given to any candidate in my life, and I’m glad I did. He raised critical issues about America’s economic divides, and got them on the Democratic agenda. He was the first major candidate to stake out strong comprehensive platforms on global warming and health care. He hammered away on the Iraq war, even using scarce campaign resources to run ads during recent key Senate votes. He’d have made a powerful nominee-and president.

I’ve been going through my mourning for a while for his campaign not getting more traction, so his withdrawal announcement didn’t shock me. But sad as I am about his departure, I feel good about being able to switch my support to Barack Obama, and will do all I can to help him win.

Meanwhile, I have yet to speak to an Edwards supporter who is now supporting Billary errr Hillary Clinton.

Peace hugs,
Kate Anne

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