Lois MurphyIt is Election Day - I'm voting on the Working Families party line - Row E -- and I'm making calls. Please do what YOU can. VOTE. Here in New York City, with safe Democratic seats, we can still impact MORE. Yes, vote on the Working Families Party's Line E to show we want Progressive Change -- But lets CALL for Change! Go to
MoveOn.org and get involved making calls into areas with close races -- including upstate New York. (I'm already committed to helping via
Citizen Action -- another great group.) You can also click on the Call for Change sidebar icon.
Speaking of action, I joined Betsy Crawford and Marc Crawford Leavitt in Pennsylvania this weekend to work on Lois Murphy's congressional campaign. What fun! We not only helped in the campaign office we got to attend a
rally which featured our candidate
Lois Murphy, but also
Governor Ed Rendell,
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (what a thrill! -- see the PPS below),
Senator Barack Obama, and Senate candidate
Bob Casey Jr., as well as some great Pennsylvania politicos such as
Netta Young Hughes and
Olivia Brady and the head of Pennysylvania's AFL-CIO. It's a close race and so Pennsylvania is getting out all the heavy hitters to combat Republican dirty tricks. Let me tell you about those, in case you haven't heard. One is calling people and telling them their polling place has changed. (Yes, again!) This was reported last night on Air America Radio by callers in a number of states.
Another Republican dirty trick is annoying robo-calls which, unless you listen to the whole call, seem to sound like they are coming from Lois Murphy's (or another Democratic candidate's) campaign. If you hang up, the call re-dials you. It is win-win for the Repugs: You either think the Democrat is annoying you and vote against her/him or don't vote, or you listen to the whole slam which disses the Democratic candidate, and again it might affect your vote. Sometimes these calls come in the middle of the night: Rovian tactics. WRONG. Illegal. But in a close race, it can make a difference. They'll pay the fines, but they will get some of their candidates in so who cares about a little fine -- or a little jail time for some minor schnook? This makes the MoveOn.org calls -- or Citizen Action calls -- more important: live sincere human beings calling to urge civic responsibility and change -- and to discredit the robocalls.
Yes, we can help people choose change. Even if you have just a half hour free during lunch or an hour free at the end of a busy day, we can call target voters in the most competitive congressional races right from our own personal computers. Nearly 6 million calls have already been made! A real-time call counter is located at www.moveon.org. Vote, YES -- and do more -- Call for Change. AND, email and call your friends in red and purple states and encourage them to vote for CHANGE!!
I'm hoping Lois Murphy gets in. And
Mike Arcuri in upstate New York. I am happy to have helped with their campaigns and have met some great people, including Citizen Action's volunteer coordinator,
Fred Wright, and in Pennysylvania this weekend Californians now DC residents
Jennifer Brown and
Allison Rector. Together we can help change the world positively, toward peace and justice -- now let's get busy and Vote and Call for Change.
Peace hugs,
Kate Anne
Betsy, Jen and Allison - outside of the Carver CenterPS I will be posting more pictures later at my FlickR.com
sitePPS For those who say the Dem's don't have an agenda, don't have a plan, REFUTE THEM. Tell them of Nancy Pelosi's great plan: Nancy, before introducing Lois, laid out six points on the Democratic agenda which could be accomplished within "100 hours" if people like Lois Murphy and Mike Arcuri are elected and if Democrats take control of Congress, her six in 06 agenda [Please, God!]:
- Passing the 9/11 Commission's recommendations
- Raising the minimum wage
- Removing incentives for businesses that outsource
- Cutting interest on student loans
- Passing stem cell research legislation and
- Giving Medicare the ability to negotiate directly with prescription drug companies
Get out and vote then help GOTV!!!