MNYRCAT: End Torture, Close Gitmo

New York Fellowship of Reconciliation members joined with Amnesty International, Center for Constitutional Rights, World Can't Wait, ACLU and others in attending the Metro New York Religious Coalition Against Torture's prayer vigil to end torture and close Guantanamo, one of the January 11th events held worldwide on the sixth anniversary of the Guantanamo detention camp. As the vigil began, so did the rain, torrential at times -- but what is rain compared to waterboarding? It curtailed the length of the vigil, but didn't dampen our spirits. Check out additional photos on but please continue to contact Congress -- 202-224-3121 --and the White House comment line -- 202-456-1111 on this. And ask your friends to do likewise. Prayer and action together make a positive difference. Thanks!!!
Peace hugs,
Kate Anne

Labels: demonstration, Guantanamo, habeas corpus, NYFOR, torture, vigil
Congrats KateAnne
Ah, Fernando, thanks for stopping by. Your presence at the Sam Seder Show blog is a vital and welcoming one -- your energy is soooo appreciated. {{{Fernando}}}
(And for the record, I'm the one wearing glasses to the left of the students - how apt :-)
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