Peace Hugs

Kate Anne, communikating on multi-levels -- personal and political, as well as for peace, justice and nonviolence

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hurrah for Air America Radio

[A bunch of us are upset with Air America Radio because they have cancelled Sam Seder and Marc Maron's weekday videocast of Break Room Live -- it exists on YouTube and elsewhere and you can follow where Sam and Marc land by checking out -- but even as I am miffed I am going to look at the silver lining of the cloud. Think about it, and please join all of us Sederistas and Maronites in changing the world into a better place. Thanks! What follows showed up at Sam's site.]

Hey, I am going to accentuate the positive and say I am glad that Air America exists even if I don't like this latest turn BUT perhaps without them I might never have found people like Sam Seder and Marc Maron and Thom Hartmann (with Senator Bernie Sanders) and Lizz Winstead and Rachel Maddow and Al Franken (more of a liberal now than what he was before, I think) without Air America. Okay, they/Air America are not perfect, but I am glad they exist, even as I continue to support Thom Hartmann apart from them and Sam Seder and Marc Maron wherever they land and Lizz and Rachel ALWAYS, and Kent Jones and the great Laura Flanders and of course Janeane.... So yeah, let's get upset, but let's move forward and insist our guys (and gals, if you don't think guys is gender neutral) end up economically and psychologically WELL and HAPPY. Let's push them, their video, their books, their body of work, wherever we go.

And another thing, I likely would have never met YOU Guys without THEM: MaggiesBoy, Fernando, Nefferkitti, Nightbird,ToniD, Kat-in-Manhattan...., all of YOU -- and you guys are GREAT!! So, yes, it isn't fair but it is what it is, and it sure is better than Right Wing America.

So kisses and Peace Hugs from NYC and know that it works out OKAY: together we will help heal the world and make it transform. Got to get Thom's newest book [Threshold] because it talks about our being at the crossroads. We are. It is tough times. But we are together going to do what we can. Pray God that it is enough.

Love you -- Peace hugs,
Kate Anne

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At 7/24/2009 12:19:00 PM, Anonymous Jen said...

Thanks for the kind note - I am working with Air America and we are hopeful that one day we can work with Sam & Marc again in a different capacity.


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