Peace Hugs

Kate Anne, communikating on multi-levels -- personal and political, as well as for peace, justice and nonviolence

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I Care2

Missing the Blogger profile links the other week, I discovered the My.Care2 community and the ability to find folks with common interests by posting topics, movies, books, etc. and then clicking on them. I've spent time developing my page -- click the title link to view -- sort of a MySpace for the caring community. does a lot of petition work and encourages activism. This is all right up my alley of course, and it looks like fun (should I post on my page the YouTube video my daughter Kat did of my Las Vegas karaoke debut?) but I went to blog an invitation to my friends to join me on Care2 and low and behold, as I clicked on my Kate Anne profile here on Blogger, I see the Blogger profile links are back. Go figure!!

That said, it looks like a good community -- and it made for a good Saturday night out ... on the web :-) So if you do have a Care2 profile, find me. (I am currently friendless!) And if you have a Blogger profile, add some detail to your profile and let's all have fun enjoying each other and new folks.

It has been quite a week at work so I need some fun. I even claimed some of my overtime. I did take some time out this week, however, to join some of my WQIDC friends for dinner and Sicko. OMG -- the profit motive in healing must be curtailed. Make a living, not a killing! When CEO McGuire of United Health Care made 1.6 billion in compensation last year that defined real obscenity -- and greed. So much to do for peace and justice -- but I must create peace in my own life too. And care for myself -- so I can care for others later on down the line.

United for Peace and Justice is planning a big demonstration for peace in Iraq on October 27th. But there is work to be done now -- both for it and for peace and justice in general. That should also mean IMPEACHMENT. (I did notice that Care2 has an impeachment group -- maybe more than one.) I will have to add that to my concerns, come to think of it. Hey, I'm an ENFP -- choices!!! But now I better choose to go to bed so that I can get enough sleep to have a reasonably productive Sunday.

My thanks to Care2 for a pleasant evening -- and to AOL for supplying background music with their AOL radio feature. Now, "To sleep, perchance to dream."

Peace hugs,
Kate Anne

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