Go see The 11th Hour

Overcome August summertime lethargy. Do yourself and the world a favor and see The Eleventh Hour, Leonardo DiCaprio's new environmental film and then follow through on some of the action you promised yourself you would do after seeing Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth.
Gail Harper and I were fortunate to catch it at the Landmark Sunshine Cinema in the East Village and were treated to a special question and answer session by my favorite Air America Radio show host [and Renaissance man], Thom Hartmann, author of Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight. Thom is a real inspiration and the brief Q&A just wasn't enough. I caught him again the next night at The Tank, home of Laughing Liberally. There, despite crappy rainy weather and the 9 pm hour, Thom was greeted by an enthusiastic standing-room-only audience. We saw a clip of the film and some additional DiCaprio enviromental footage available on his website then Thom gave us a mini-seminar. [Did YOU know that the population of the world would be best contained if women had full and equal rights?]
Bottom line is that we have to change -- and change NOW. We are the generation who have to change the world because the crisis is upon us. It is actually more like the 11th hour and 59 minutes. The solutions are there, or at least most of them, but we have to change our own lives and get others to do likewise. Government involvement is vital -- so let's start bugging our representatives, senators, mayor, goveror -- everyone! And let's note well the ideas on the 11 Ways to Make A Difference postcard which advertises the film [which I am manually typing as I can't find a link!!]:
- Unplug appliances and chargers when you are not using them. Turn off lights, TV and power down computers when leaving a room or not using them.
- Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth, shaving and lathering in the shower.
- Avoid using plastic bags and plastic water bottles. Take your own reusable bag to the market or the mall.
- Lower the thermostat on your water heater to 120 degrees and keep your home thermostat at 68 degrees in the winter and 78 degrees in the summer
- Use cold water for laundry and clean the lint filter in your dryer after every load so that it uses less energy.
- Turn off the drying feature on your dishwasher.
- Learn about alternatives to household cleaning and laundry products that do not use hazardous chemicals.
- Use compact fluorescent lightbulbs to save money and energy.
- Walk, bike or take public transportation to work/school once a week.
- Buy a hybrid or alternative-fuel vehicle on your next purchase.
- Plant a tree or garden.
Thanks, Thom! Thanks, Leonardo! And I will add a special thanks to my Aunt Betty Murphy who has never owned an electric dryer but has preferred a clothesline instead. (Think of the energy she has saved! ) Blessings one and all, and....
Peace hugs,
Kate Anne

Labels: AAR, action, Air America Radio, eco-action, environment, film, Thom Hartmann
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