Peace Hugs

Kate Anne, communikating on multi-levels -- personal and political, as well as for peace, justice and nonviolence

Monday, August 21, 2006

Weekend Wrap-up: Peace, Politics, Brunch & Revival

Jonathan Tasini and Chris Owens in Brooklyn

This was a weekend of peace, politics and revival. I joined Betty Lou Hornick for the Saturday Union Square peace vigil and when we ran into the Tasini for New York U.S. Senate folks, while I was sporting my pink peace hat and Tasini for New York button, I took it as a sign and joined them for an afternoon of politicking. Looked a little bedraggled by day's end but it was good seeing Jonathan Tasini and meeting Beth and Gwendolyn.

Action Note:The New York Democratic Primary is September 12th and with NY1 playing games with the rules for debate, contact them and demand they allow political discussion. Check out the Tasini [title link], or go right to Stephanie Cannon's recent entry which is a reposting of a FAIR action alert. [Hmmmm....should give FAIR a regular link and check out their Counterspin podcast -- in my spare time ;-)]

Sunday (after plebian laundry), I was off with Jaye Louie and Joan Pagan to Long Island City for brunch. We went with no specific destination in mind, but ended up at Lounge 47 on Vernon Blvd, a place certainly worth re-visiting (yummy crabcakes!). Energy flagging, I revived by allowing myself the luxury of a Sunday afternoon nap. Managed to take in most of Laura Flander's Radio Nation show and blogging with YBNurmal, Nightbird and others on the show's blog. (Maybe Benno was out politicking with Jonathan? Ahhh, just checked the show's blog one more time and he made it for a late posting, reminding folks to donate money to Jonathan's campaign -- yes!! Anybody checking the blog will see Benno's important message: Donate $5 at -- And don't forget to write NY1.)

Peace hugs,
Kate Anne


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