Peace Hugs

Kate Anne, communikating on multi-levels -- personal and political, as well as for peace, justice and nonviolence

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Nolan & Van Bramer host Eric Gioia Fundraiser

Four Queens Democrats II
Originally uploaded by Kate Anne.
New York State Assemblymember Cathy Nolan and State Committeeman [and WQIDC president] Jimmy Van Bramer hosted a summer afternoon neighborhood fundraiser for Councilmember Eric Gioia this past Saturday in Sunnyside Gardens -- and I went for peace and reconciliation: helping, attending, and contributing. In the past, we've had some interesting conversations and our share of words, but in the end, Eric has voted pretty much as I would have him vote. His work on the food stamp program, internet for all, and getting young people politically involved is laudable. Furthermore he has finally signed on to the voter bills that Teresa Hommel (of has been pushing. His excuse for the delay is a valid living and breathing one: his new baby Amelia Gioia.

The picture I am attempting to post from my FlickR site shows Eric with my favorite New York State Senator John Sabini, our beloved Assemblymember / Assemblywoman Cathy Nolan, and our terrific State Committeeman Jimmy Van Bramer. Jimmy hosted the event in his backyard and a lot more pictures, including some ambiance shots, can be seen at my FlickR site, cited lots of places in my blog and also linked on the right. (Then click on the Nolan-Van Bramer Fundraiser for Gioia set.) I am so glad I went -- I had fun. To Eric, I send special ...

Peace hugs,
Kate Anne


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